
Miriam, originaria de Tepetlixpa estado de México, esposa y mama de una hermosa familia. En su 3er año como Preparador Profesional de Impuestos, estudiando y renovándose con las certificaciones federales y estatales que todo “Tax Preparer” requiere.

Le agrega su entusiasmo y profesionalismo a cada cliente para obtener el máximo resultado posible que la ley permite. Como parte del equipo de RG es una persona flexible y contagia con su sonrisa.

Miriam is from Tepetlixa Mexico. She is a wife and mother to a loving family. She is on her 3rd year as a tax preparer.

She studied and renews her certificate every year to have the ability to file federal and state taxes. Her professionalism and eagerness to assist our clients to acquire the maximum refund the law is allowed. As a member of the RG Team, she is flexible, willing to help and has a smile for everyone.